Array The Champs-Elysees Avenue Paris

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Hotels in the neighborhood

10 avenue Mac Mahon 75017 Paris Etoile Park Hotel
Just two steps from the Arc de Triomphe a majestic stone facade 3 star hotel welcomes you in the heart of Paris

7 Rue du Colisée 75008 Paris O.lysee Hotel
Just 10 meters from the famous Champs Elysees, The O.lysée Hotel is a welcoming place who breaks with usual big standard hotels. It is an intimate hotel that counts only 31 rooms.

23 rue Brey, 75017 Paris Hotel Tilsitt Champs Elysees
3 star hotel in Paris near the Champs Elysees and Arc de Triomphe.

The Champs-Elysees

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It’s not the widest or the longest avenue in the world, but almost everyone agrees that it’s certainly the most beautiful avenue in the world… and one of the most expensive too, for businesses. Famous brand names fights relentlessly to have their own space there, and the selection process is ruthless (H&M, Abercrombie & Fitch and Dolce & Gabbana have only just got the OK, and probably won’t open until 2010).

But there’s more to ‘Les Champs’ (as Parisians call it) than just shopping – although here you can do it in amazing style. With its wide leafy pavements, numerous cafés and cinemas and the most amazing view from the Arc de Triomphe straight down to the Place de la Concorde, the Champs Elysées is luxurious and stunning like nowhere else in the world.

And don’t forget that nearby there are all the restaurants you could ask for, bars, nightlife and the Lido.It’s also one of the city’s most popular meeting spots and often used for popular events. The Bastille parade that marches down it on 14th July is always impressive, it’s the venue for the last leg of the Tour de France and New Year’s Eve there is a rowdy but good-natured night with almost everyone holding a bottle of champagne! Basically, if you visit Paris and miss the Champs Elysees, you haven’t really seen Paris…

Metro 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13 :
Charles-de-Gaules Etoile, George V, Champs-Elysees Clemenceau, Concorde

Charles-de-Gaules Etoile

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